****************** ASCII.TXT ****************** TI-GRAPH LINK(tm) FOR TI-82,TI-85,TI-92 FUNCTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TI-81: KEYWORD (key) STRING (with delimiters) STO-> store \->\ (-) unary minus \(-)\ square root \SquareRoot\ cube root \CubeRoot\ 10^ (ten to x) \10^\ (representation is for 10 only) inverse \^-1\ squared \^2\ cubed \^3\ r radian \radian\ o degree \degree\ R>P( \R>P(\ P>R( \P>R(\ theta \Theta\ Sigma x \Sigma-x\ Sigma x^2 \Sigma-x^2\ Sigma xy \Sigma-xy\ Sigma y \Sigma-y\ Sigma y^2 \Sigma-y^2\ x bar (mean) \x-bar\ y bar (mean) \y-bar\ standard deviation (pop) x \sx\ standard deviation (pop) y \sy\ pi \pi\ KEYWORD (key) STRING (without delimiters) sin^-1 sin^-1_ sinh^-1 sinh^-1_ cos^-1 cos^-1_ cosh^-1 cosh^-1_ tan^-1 tan^-1_ tanh^-1 tanh^-1_ (NOTE: _ after -1 is a REQUIRED blank space. ) FUNCTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TI-82: KEYWORD (key) STRING (with delimiters) -> store \->\ pi \pi\ >= greater than or = to \>=\ <= less than or = to \<=\ not equal to \<>\ square root \sqrt\ cube root \CubeRt\ 10^ \10^\ (representation is for 10 only) (-) negation \(-)\ x Root y \XrootY\ sequence variable n \n\ matrix transpose \T\ squared \^2\ cubed \^3\ inverse \^-1\ r radian \rad\ o degree \deg\ sinh^-1 \sinh^-1\ sin^-1 \sin^-1\ cosh^-1 \cosh^-1\ cos^-1 \cos^-1\ tanh^-1 \tanh^-1\ tan^-1 \tan^-1\ to Frac display conversion \>Frac\ to DMS display conversion \>DMS\ to Dec display conversion \>Dec\ E exponent notation \E\ zthetamax \Z-@max\ zthetamin \Z-@min\ zthetastep \Z-@step\ delta X (uppercase) \Delta-x\ delta Y (uppercase) \Delta-y\ thetamax \@max\ thetamin \@min\ thetastep \@step\ Sigma x \Sigma-x\ Sigma x^2 \Sigma-x^2\ Sigma xy \Sigma-xy\ Sigma y \Sigma-y\ Sigma y^2 \Sigma-y^2\ standard deviation (pop) x \sx\ standard deviation (pop) y \sy\ x bar (mean) \x-bar\ y bar (mean) \y-bar\ sequence function \Un\ sequence function \Vn\ sequence variable \UnStart\ sequence variable \VnStart\ sequence variable \nStart\ sequence variable \nMin\ sequence variable \nMax\ sequence variable \Un-1\ sequence variable \Vn-1\ zoom memory sequence variable \ZUnStart\ zoom memory sequence variable \ZVnStart\ zoom memory sequence variable \ZnStart\ zoom memory sequence variable \ZnMin\ zoom memory sequence variable \ZnMax\ table variable \Delta-Tbl\ X1 parametric function \X1t\ Y1 parametric function \Y1t\ X2 parametric function \X2t\ Y2 parametric function \Y2t\ X3 parametric function \X3t\ Y3 parametric function \Y3t\ X4 parametric function \X4t\ Y4 parametric function \Y4t\ X5 parametric function \X5t\ Y5 parametric function \Y5t\ X6 parametric function \X6t\ Y6 parametric function \Y6t\ Y1 function \Y1\ Y2 function \Y2\ Y3 function \Y3\ Y4 function \Y4\ Y5 function \Y5\ Y6 function \Y6\ Y7 function \Y7\ Y8 function \Y8\ Y9 function \Y9\ Y0 function \Y0\ r1 function \r1\ r2 function \r2\ r3 function \r3\ r4 function \r4\ r5 function \r5\ r6 function \r6\ L1 list variable \L1\ L2 list variable \L2\ L3 list variable \L3\ L4 list variable \L4\ L5 list variable \L5\ L6 list variable \L6\ x1 statistical summary point \x1\ y1 statistical summary point \y1\ x2 statistical summary point \x2\ y2 statistical summary point \y2\ x3 statistical summary point \x3\ y3 statistical summary point \y3\ first quartile variable \Q1\ third quartile variable \Q3\ Greek Characters: theta \@\ MISC characters: box mark \box icon\ cross mark \crs icon\ dot mark \dot icon\ CONV characters: rectangular to polar return theta \R>P@\ rectangular to polar return R \R>Pr\ polar to rectangular return x \P>Rx\ polar to rectangular return y \P>Ry\ \Special continue TI-82 program line \#\ FUNCTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TI-85: KEYWORD (key) STRING (with delimiters) -> store \->\ pi \pi\ < angle for complex numbers \angle\ >= greater than or = to \>=\ <= less than or = to \<=\ not equal to \<>\ square root \sqrt\ 10^ \10^\ (representation is for 10 only) (-) negation \(-)\ x Root y \xRooty\ matrix transpose \T\ squared \^2\ inverse \^-1\ r radian \rad\ o degree \deg\ sinh^-1 \sinh^-1\ sin^-1 \sin^-1\ cosh^-1 \cosh^-1\ cos^-1 \cos^-1\ tanh^-1 \tanh^-1\ tan^-1 \tan^-1\ binary designator (b) \bin\ decimal designator (d) \dec\ hex designator (h) \hex\ octal designator (o) \oct\ hexadecimal A \hexA\ hexadecimal B \hexB\ hexadecimal C \hexC\ hexadecimal D \hexD\ hexadecimal E \hexE\ hexadecimal F \hexF\ to Sph display conversion \>Sph\ to Rec display conversion \>Rec\ to Pol display conversion \>Pol\ to Oct display conversion \>Oct\ to Hex display conversion \>Hex\ to Frac display conversion \>Frac\ to DMS display conversion \>DMS\ to Dec display conversion \>Dec\ to Cyl display conversion \>Cyl\ to Bin display conversion \>Bin\ vc-li data conversion \vc>li\ St-Eq data conversion \St>Eq\ li-vc data conversion \li>vc\ Eq-St data conversion \Eq>St\ E exponent notation \E\ u0 built-in constant \u0\ e0 built-in constant \e0\ zthetamax \z-@max\ zthetamin \z-@min\ zthetastep \z-@step\ delta x (lowercase) \Delta-x\ delta y (lowercase) \Delta-y\ thetamax \@max\ thetamin \@min\ thetastep \@step\ Sigma x \Sigma-x\ Sigma x^2 \Sigma-x^2\ Sigma xy \Sigma-xy\ Sigma y \Sigma-y\ Sigma y^2 \Sigma-y^2\ standard deviation (pop) x \Sx\ standard deviation (pop) y \Sy\ x bar (mean) \x-bar\ y bar (mean) \y-bar\ Greek Characters: alpha (lowercase) \LC-alpha\ beta (lowercase) \LC-beta\ gamma (lowercase) \LC-gamma\ Delta (uppercase) \UC-Delta\ delta (lowercase) \LC-delta\ epsilon (lowercase) \LC-epsilon\ theta (lowercase) \LC-theta\ lambda (lowercase) \LC-lambda\ mu (lowercase) \LC-mu\ rho (lowercase) \LC-rho\ Sigma (uppercase) \UC-Sigma\ sigma (lowercase) \LC-sigma\ tau (lowercase) \LC-tau\ phi (lowercase) \LC-phi\ Omega (uppercase) \UC-Omega\ INTL Characters: N tilde \UC-N~\ n tilde \LC-n~\ C cedilla \UC-C-cedilla\ c cedilla \LC-c-cedilla\ ? inverted \?\ A acute \UC-A'\ a acute \LC-a'\ A grave \UC-A`\ a grave \LC-a`\ A circumflex \UC-A^\ a circumflex \LC-a^\ A dieresis \UC-A:\ a dieresis \LC-a:\ ( etc for e, i, o, u ) CONV characters (for example, ft^2 to m^2 would be \ft^2\\>\\m^2\ > conversion operator \>\ lt-yr light year \lt-yr\ ft^2 \ft^2\ m^2 \m^2\ mi^2 \mi^2\ km^2 \km^2\ in^2 \in^2\ cm^2 \cm^2\ yd^2 \yd^2\ cm^3 \cm^3\ in^3 \in^3\ ft^3 \ft^3\ m^3 \m^3\ us (micro seconds) \usec\ oC degree C \deg C\ oF degree F \deg F\ oK degree K \deg K\ oR degree R \deg R\ N/m^2 \N/m^2\ lb/in^2 \lb/in^2\ mmH2O \mmH2O\ inH2O \inH2O\ ftlb/s \ftlb/s\ cal/s \cal/s\ Btu/mn \Btu/mn\ ft/s \ft/s\ m/s \m/s\ mi/hr \mi/hr\ km/hr \km/hr\ kw-hr \kw-hr\ l-atm \l-atm\ \Special continue TI-85 program line \#\ FUNCTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TI-92: Note: where possible, the character is shown in the table belowÉ KEYWORD (key) STRING (with delimiters) Greek Characters: alpha \alpha\ beta \beta\ capital gamma \Gamma\ gamma \gamma\ capital delta \Delta\ delta \delta\ epsilon \epsilon\ zeta \zeta\ theta \theta\ lambda \lambda\ xi \xi\ capital pi \Pi\ pi \pi\ mu \mu\ rho \rho\ capital sigma \Sigma\ sigma \sigma\ tau \tau\ phi \phi\ psi \psi\ capital omega \Omega\ omega \omega\ Math and Operations Characters: STO> operation \->\ 'Diamond' character \option\ Math symbol set union \union\ Math symbol set intersect \intersect\ Math symbol set subset \subset\ Math symbol set element \element\ EE key (exponent) \ee\ italic exponential 'e' \e\ imaginary number 'i' \i\ radian conversion 'r' \r\ matrix transposition 't' \t\ stat mean of x \xmean\ stat mean of y \ymean\ less than or equal \<=\ not equal to \!=\ greater than or equal \>=\ angle character \/_\ differential d \diff\ integration operator \integral\ infinity symbol \infinity\ radical or root character \root\ Program comment symbol \(C)\ unary minus character \(-)\ degrees symbol \o\ Special Characters: The LOCK character \lock\ The CHECK mark char \check\ The centered block char \block\ block right arrow \from\ block left arrow \to\ block up arrow \up\ block down arrow \down\ left arrow \leftarrow\ up arrow character \uparrow\ down arrow character \downarrow\ big block left arrow \left\ big block right arrow \right\ shift up arrow character \shift\ ellipsis (...) \...\ cent character \cent\ pound sterling \pound\ starburst character \starburst\ yen character \yen\ split vertical bar character \split\ section character \section\ feminine ord character \a_\ double left arrow character \<<\ logical not character \lnot\ registered mark character \(R)\ superscript minus character \^-\ superscript plus character \^+\ superscript 2 (square) \^2\ superscript 3 (cube) \^3\ superscript -1 (inverse) \^-1\ paragraph symbol \para\ dot mark \.\ superscript x character \^x\ superscript 1 character \^1\ masculine ord character \o_\ double right arrow \>>\ INTL Characters: upside down exclamation \ud!\ upside down question mark \ud?\ capital A grave \A`\ capital A acute \A'\ capital A circumflex \A^\ capital A tilde \A~\ capital A dieresis \A..\ capital A ring \Ao\ capital AE \AE\ capital C cedilla \C,\ capital E grave \E`\ capital E acute \E'\ capital E circumflex \E^\ capital E dieresis \E..\ capital I grave \I`\ capital I acute \I'\ capital I circumflex \I^\ capital I dieresis \I..\ capital D bar \-D\ capital N tilde \N~\ capital O grave \O`\ capital O acute \O'\ capital O circumflex \O^\ capital O tilde \O~\ capital O dieresis \O..\ times 'x' mark \x\ capital O slash \O/\ capital U grave \U`\ capital U acute \U'\ capital U circumflex \U^\ capital U dieresis \U..\ capital Y acute \Y'\ capital I (p) \I>\ eschett \ss\ a grave \a`\ a acute \a'\ a circumflex \a^\ a tilde \a~\ a dieresis \a..\ a ring \ao\ ae \ae\ c cedilla \c,\ e grave \e`\ e acute \e'\ e circumflex \e^\ e dieresis \e..\ i grave \i`\ i acute \i'\ i circumflex \i^\ i dieresis \i..\ d-bar \-d\ n tilde \n~\ o grave \o`\ o acute \o'\ o circumflex \o^\ o tilde \o~\ o dieresis \o..\ division symbol \/\ o slash \o/\ u grave \u`\ u acute \u'\ u circumflex \u^\ u dieresis \u..\ y acute \y'\ ip \i>\ y dieresis \y..\ Last Update: 12 Mar 96 SLR