Re: TI-M: Chess Question


Re: TI-M: Chess Question

I'm not sure how this relates to ti-math, but the "!" "?" stuff after a
chess move is called "annotation" and refers to strong or weak moves:

"!" strong
"!!" brilliant / winning
"?" weak (as in, huh?)
"??" blunder / losing
"!?" worth studying
"?!" dubious

and also:

"+" or [check mark]: check
"++" checkmate
"1-0" white wins
"0-1" black wins
"1/2-1/2" draw
"0-0" double forfeit (rare)

It's worthwhile to go over your own games and try to figure out where your
own "?"s go and where your opponent made an "!!" (losing games are for
learning, winning games are for bragging).

At 02:25 23-09-2000 EDT, someone wrote:
>I've always wondered this, by what does an exclamation point, or question 
>mark, or combination of the two, mean when it's placed after the notation
>a chess move?  Like, does 25...Re6! have any different meaning from 25...Re6 
>(or 25...Re6? or 25...Re6?! or 25...Re6!!, for that matter)?  I'm inclined
>believe this is an author's interpretation of a "sideline" move (is that
>they're called?) or unexpected move...
