Re: TI-M: Algebra


Re: TI-M: Algebra

>heh, well, I obviously knew of this but was excluding it because it covers
>such a trivial number of cases that it's probably useless.  This will only
>work if you've got an exact radical.  Take sqrt(3)/2, for example - anyone
>who's done more than very basic trigonometry knows that's an important
>number.  Obviously, your routine won't pick up the radical here.  Once we

actualy, i have one that would do just that, but i don't know if the one i 
gave you would do that.

>add any constants into the mix, we kill any attempt to ascertain the
>irrational number in question.

true, that sucks

>Furthermore, in a problem somewhat related to what JL mention earlier, how
>can you tell an irrational number apart from a rational number with nearly
>the same decimal equivalent?  It's even worse this time, since there's no
>pattern to look for.

i have tried to tackle that and come still misses some solutions 

everything i have done so far is extremely slow though

Unfortunately you do have a good point.  All i am wondering is how does the 
89 do stuff like find the exact value of anything?  someone once said to me 
that it just has a table of common irrational numbers, but that is bull, the 
68k calcs have some stuff that totally confuses me.  I want to try and 
figure that crap out.
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