[TI-H] Re: Use Rechargable Batteries!


[TI-H] Re: Use Rechargable Batteries!

>I advise you to use NiMH batteries. Their capacity is most of the time
>higher then NiCD. NiCD batteries also have a 'memory-effect': if you

Not much of a problem when you have a good charger. I have a Velleman VL9798
charger, and it discharges the batteries, then charges quickly, then charges
slowly, then charges with pulses so the batteries can't be overloaded. It's
for NiCd (which I have in my TI) and for NiMH.

>recharge them when they're not completely empty it will lose this capacity.
>NiMH batteries are expensive but if you buy them, you can use them for
>I hope everyone uses rechargeble batteries, it helps to save the
>a lot!
>(sorry for spelling errors, I'm just 17 & from Holland)

I'm 16 & from Holland :-)

>Do you know why W'98 crashes ALMOST everytime?
>It is written this way:
>If randomizer<0.99 then Crash
>>From: andre@masella.dynodns.net
>>Reply-To: ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org
>>To: ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org
>>Subject: [TI-H] Rechargable Batteries
>>Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 15:26:09 -0400
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>>I have a TI83+ wiyh alkaline batteries on their way out. I want to repl=
>>ace them, but will 4 NiCads provide enough power? I can also get NiMH b=
>>atteries, but will that be enough? (and do I need that stupid special c=
>>harger?) Any help is appreciated.
>>--Andre Masella (andre@masella.dy=
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