RE: TI-H: RAM expansion for TI-83


RE: TI-H: RAM expansion for TI-83

currently, from what I know... not really.. I know a while back people were
making Expanders for the ti85,86 & 92, which used a flash ram chip and the
link port off the calc. Since then, the company making the chips has
discontinued them (what a shame.. just when theres a market for them), and
no replacement was found. Some people (don't know the name) made a way to
sort of piggy-back an additional ram chip, and sorta make 2 banks of memory,
but only one could be accessed at a time (due to calc limitations), so you'd
need to switch between the 2 chips.

Check for more info.

-jeff d

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Matthias Sauppe
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2000 6:22 AM
Subject: TI-H: RAM expansion for TI-83


is there a possibility to enhance the RAM of the TI-83?
