Re: TI-H: Swapping the new eZ80 for the Z80? and other stuff


Re: TI-H: Swapping the new eZ80 for the Z80? and other stuff

In a message dated 2/7/2000 4:38:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Also, has anybody found a small *recharable* battery that I could replace 
 4AAAs with so I can use the extra space to install extras and keep the outer
 appearance the same?
Theres a store here that sells nickle-metal-hydride 6 volt batteries that are 
small. You may have to be creative with wiring, but if you can get those, 
they should work. They recharge fast and have nearly no memory effect

Oh, and on overclocking. Ive seed 2 speed plans for the 86. Is it possible 
(probably yes, but is it sane) to add more speeds? like normal, turbo, super 
turbo, and slowmo? 

Jeff Barrett