Re: TI-H: More AVR Qs


Re: TI-H: More AVR Qs

>Grant Stockly wrote:
>> >Why donīt you use a serial EEPROM ??
>> >If you use a PIC, I could send you the code
>> If he uses a PIC it will cost him 3x more than it needs to be and run 4x
>> slower per MHz.
>Perhaps...  but PIC is Very Very fast to store data. If you clock the PIC
>with 10MHz you can store One byte (if you use the eight pins on port B) in
>RAM with a frequence of 1,25 MHz.

If you run an avr at 12MHz, use 8pins on PINB, you can log data to ram at 4MHz.

at 10MHz, [3+(1/3)]MHz

>The 16F84 is coming in a new version, 16F84A, 20 MHz !

Thats 5MIPS (million instructions per second).  PICs have a 1/4th ratio
between clock rate and instruction rate.

AVRs are 1/1 (a 12MHz avr gets 12MIPS).

There is a scenix, and it isn't totally PIC compatible.  When running the
Scenix in PIC mode it has to use the 1/4 rule.  When running in Scenix mode
it gets 1/1.


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