Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw


Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw

>Well, Veteran mac users are complaining that the iMac and new G3s
>suck because apple decided to use a 7 cent part instead of a 10 cent
>one to make Windows users switch. Well considering PCs use all 3 cent
>parts, its no wonder they are cheaper.

PC's are cheaper due mainly to competition. It is true if you go out and
buy a PC from some place like Best Buy, there are quite a few cheap parts.
They do put some quality parts in them, but the only way to get a high
quality PC is to build it yourself.

> People also say you can build
>PCs but not macs,

The main reason you can't build your own mac is because of Steve Jobs. He
wishes to keep Mac a closed achitechture, so with him in charge we'll
probably see all macs become more like the iMac.

> this is true. This is true because of all the old 3
>cent PC parts that didn't break yet. I have seen a Lisa still in use,
>I haven't seen any ATs that haven't had their guts ripped out at
>least 5 times still in use.
>People buy Rolls Royces because they are quality and hand-made.
>Quality costs money, if you do not want a quality product and want
>quantity of parts available for a less-than-quality computer, by all
>means, get a PC.
>At approximately 6:35 PM +0200GMT on the day Earth People call
>6/30/99, Olle Hedman declared:
>>stupid saveings, wich made it slow, and with a price that still was to high.
>I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.

I don't mean to be anti-mac or anything ( I use a Plus for e-mail and
newsgroup reading) just giving my view.