Re: TI-H: radio link...what's stopping us?


Re: TI-H: radio link...what's stopping us?

From: Alex <>
>Who would design [a radio link requiring software]?
>The only logical one
>is just simply taking the stuff from the port and transmitting it.
>The software one would be 1. more complex  2. useless

Not necessarily true in either case.  If one were to find an
integrated transmitter/receiver that would work except
required input different than the TI-Protocol (I2C for example),
it might be simpler to use it instead of designing a new transmitter/
receiver pair, even if that use required software to drive the port.  

Any type of functioning radio link would not be useless, although 
it could be inconvenient.

>so I think you must fu**in stupid to if you build a software one.

Not necessarily, there would be nothing wrong with building an
application specific radio link that required software to drive it,
particularly if the software could transmit at a higher data rate
than the TI-protocol (which wouldn't be particularly suprising,
TI-protocol isn't all that fast).  It just wouldn't be as convenient to 
as many people.

