Re: TI-H: I know I'm going to regret this...


Re: TI-H: I know I'm going to regret this...

>----Original Message Follows----
>Before my time, I started programming on the TRS-80 model III, and that was
>basic.  I started with Turbo Pascal 3 when we got the then $3000 Epson QX-16
>(with dual Z80 and 8088 processors, pretty knifty system, still runs too).
>Still runs?!  On what?  CP/M?!
>What I find amusing is that while I'm still relatively young (24), many of
>the new
>programmers I run into haven't a clue how to use DOS.
>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  THAT I find to be quite pathetic but unfortunately
>not too unlikely.  In the GUI age of modern computing, no one needs the poor
>little command-line anymore....::sniffle::
>C:\> type thismsg.txt | more

Awww...  THat reminds me...  more is broken on my beta of FreeDOS.
