Re: TI-H: TI Hardware


Re: TI-H: TI Hardware

>AVR ( is a competing product.  It has several good
>points, but can't yet compete with the PIC on availability and

Ohh realy.  :)  Thats just not so. is the manufacture source for information.

>Both are quite spiffy.  You can also look up scenix (http://www.scenix/)
>which is a PIC clone clocking up to 100MHz.  Instead of having
>peripherals built into the chip, they build the peripheral with
>software.  Forinstance, they have a complete 1200 baud modem with DTMF
>dialer program you can run on these chips.  It's way cool.

If you run it in PIC mode, it adds 1/4 to the time, so you get 25MHz and

I've got AVRs running at 33MHz/MIPS.

In scenix mode, PIC programs need to be ported.
