Re: TI-H: empeg player 2


Re: TI-H: empeg player 2

nxtext  bsr fmpaloc     ; allocate next extension block
        bmi fpcret
        move.l d0,(a1)  ; save new ext block lba to link field
*        bsr print ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        move.l ext_lba(a0),-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l ent_ext(a0)
        jsr shdbuf      ; save old extension block
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fpcret
        move.l (a1),ext_lba(a0) ; save new  extension block lba
        pea.l ent_ext(a0)
        move.l (a7)+,lba_ptr(a0) ; save reset lba pointer

fpcret  move.l (a7)+,a1
        movea.l (a7)+,a0

* ------File-Close ( handle -- )
* ------Returns -3 if write error
fclose  move.l a0,-(a7)
        movea.l 8(a7),a0        ; get handle
        tst.l mode(a0)
        beq fclrd               ; read mode close
        move.l ent_lba(a0),-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)
        jsr fhdbuf              ; get header from disk (to preserve links)
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcret
        move.l tbuf+prv_ent,prv_ent(a0) ; update links before write-back
        move.l tbuf+nxt_ent,nxt_ent(a0) ; update links before write-back
        move.l ent_lba(a0),-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l a0,-(a7)
        jsr shdbuf              ; save header
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcret
        move.l ext_lba(a0),-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l ent_ext(a0)
        jsr shdbuf              ; save extension block
        move.l dat_lba(a0),-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l dat_buf(a0)
        jsr shdbuf              ; save data buffer
        adda.l #24,a7
        clr.b (a0)              ; zap first character of name in buffer
        bsr fflush              ; clean up allocations
fcret   movea.l (a7)+,a0

fclrd   clr.b (a0)              ; zap first character of name in buffer
        movea.l (a7)+,a0
        clr.l d0

* ------File-Open-Read ( caddr u -- handle/err)
* ------Returns either handle/-1/-2
fopenrd move.l a5,-(a7)
        move.l a4,-(a7)
        movea.l 12(a7),a5   ; get name pointer
        bsr ghandle
        bmi fordret
        movea.l d0,a4
        move.l 16(a7),-(a7) ; get name length and push it
        move.l a5,-(a7)     ; push addr
        bsr fndfile         ; get lba of header
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fordret
        move.l d0,ent_lba(a4)
        move.l d0,-(a7)    ; set header lba
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l (a4)         ; read it in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fordret
        pea.l ent_ext(a4)
        move.l (a7)+,lba_ptr(a4) ; load lba ptr with start of ext block
        move.l linkf(a4),-(a7) ; get first extension block lba
        move.l (a7),ext_lba(a4)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l ent_ext(a4)       ; read it in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fordret
        add.l #4,lba_ptr(a4)    ; move past block already read
        pea.l dat_buf(a4)
        move.l (a7)+,dat_ptr(a4) ; load data ptr with start of buffer
        move.l ent_ext(a4),-(a7) ; get first data block lba
        move.l (a7),dat_lba(a4)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l dat_buf(a4)        ; read it in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fordret
        clr.l mode(a4)           ; we're now in read mode
        move.l a4,d0             ; return handle
fordret movea.l (a7)+,a4
        movea.l (a7)+,a5

* ------File-Get-Character ( handle -- c/-1/-2 )
* ------Returns either c, or -1 if eof, -2 if read error
fgetc   move.l a0,-(a7)
        move.l a1,-(a7)
        movea.l 12(a7),a0       ; get handle
        tst.l size(a0)          ; read everything?
        beq fgdone
        movea.l dat_ptr(a0),a1  ; get data pointer
        move.b (a1)+,tmp1       ; get character
        subq.l #1,size(a0)      ; otherwise sub one from current size
        move.l a0,d0
        add.l #dat_buf+512,d0
        cmp.l a1,d0             ; at end of buffer?
        beq nxtbuf
        move.l a1,dat_ptr(a0)   ; save pointer
        bra fgret

nxtbuf  movea.l lba_ptr(a0),a1  ; get lba pointer
        move.l (a1)+,-(a7)
        move.l (a7),dat_lba(a0) ; new lba for data buf
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l dat_buf(a0)       ; read next buffer in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fgrete
        pea.l dat_buf(a0)
        move.l (a7)+,dat_ptr(a0) ; reset data pointer
        move.l a0,d0
        add.l #ent_ext+508,d0
        cmp.l a1,d0             ; end of extension buffer?
        beq rnxtext
        move.l a1,lba_ptr(a0)   ; update lba pointer
        clr.l d0
        bra fgret

rnxtext move.l ent_ext+linkf(a0),-(a7)
        move.l (a7),ext_lba(a0) ; new lba in for extension buffer
        jsr slba
        pea.l ent_ext(a0)       ; read next extension block in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fgrete
        pea.l ent_ext(a0)
        move.l (a7)+,lba_ptr(a0) ; update lba pointer
        clr.l d0
        bra fgret

fgdone  move.l #-1,d0
        movea.l (a7)+,a1
        movea.l (a7)+,a0

fgret   clr.l d0
        move.b tmp1,d0
fgrete  movea.l (a7)+,a1
        movea.l (a7)+,a0

* ------File-Delete ( caddr u -- 0/err)
* ------Returns either 0/-1/-2/-3
fdel    move.l a5,-(a7)
        move.l a4,-(a7)
        move.l d1,-(a7)
        movea.l 16(a7),a5   ; get name pointer
        movea.l #tbuf,a4
        move.l 20(a7),-(a7) ; get name length and push it
        move.l a5,-(a7)     ; push addr
        bsr fndfile         ; get lba of header
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        move.l d0,d1       ; save d0 (lba of header)
        move.l d0,-(a7)    ; set lba
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        pea.l (a4)         ; read it in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        tst.l tbuf+type    ; is it a file we're trying to delete?
        beq notfile        ; if not, abort!
        move.l d1,-(a7)
        bsr freesec        ; free header block
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        move.l tbuf+size,d1      ; get size of file
        lsr.l #8,d1              ; divide by 512
        lsr.l #1,d1              ;      ""
        addq.l #1,d1             ; add one so even 0-sized files get deleted
        move.l tbuf+nxt_ent,tmp2 ; get next entry lba
        move.l tbuf+linkf,tmp1   ; get extension block lba
        move.l tbuf+prv_ent,-(a7) ; read in previous file header
        move.l (a7),tmp3         ; save it
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)      ; read it in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        move.l tmp3,d0          ; get lba of previous entry (currently loaded)
        cmp.l cur_dir,d0        ; is it the current dir?
        beq usefstf             ; if so, write to fst_fil, instead of prv_ent
        move.l tmp2,tbuf+nxt_ent ; point next entry to file past delete file
                                 ; This is zero if there is no file after it
ufstfrt move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)      ; write it back
        jsr shdbuf
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        tst.l tmp2        ; see if next file exists
        beq rdext         ; skip it if it doesn't
        move.l tmp2,-(a7) ; read in next file header
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)      ; read it in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        move.l tmp3,tbuf+prv_ent ; point previous entry to file before
deleted file
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)      ; write it back
        jsr shdbuf
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret

rdext   move.l tmp1,-(a7)       ; read in extension block of file to delete
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)      ; read it in
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        movea.l #tbuf,a5        ; point to start of loaded ext block
dellp   tst.l d1                ; size=0 yet?
        beq fdelok              ; if so, we're done
        move.l (a5)+,-(a7)
        bsr freesec             ; free up allocated sector
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret             ; abort if it fails
        subq.l #1,d1            ; sub one from adjusted size
        cmpa.l #tbuf+508,a5
        bne dellp
nxtdlsc move.l tmp1,-(a7)
        bsr freesec             ; free up ext block just read
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        move.l tbuf+508,tmp1
        bra rdext

notfile move.l #-4,d0           ; fubar code
        bra fdelret

fdelok  move.l tmp1,-(a7)
        bsr freesec             ; free up ext block just read
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fdelret
        bsr fsflush
        clr.l d0
fdelret move.l (a7)+,d1
        movea.l (a7)+,a4
        movea.l (a7)+,a5

usefstf move.l tmp2,tbuf+fst_fil ; write to first_file location in dir entry
        bra ufstfrt

* ------File-Copy ( caddr1 u1 caddr2 u2 -- 0/err)
* ------Returns either 0/-1/-2/-3
fcpy    move.l a5,-(a7)
        move.l a4,-(a7)
        move.l d1,-(a7)
        move.l d2,-(a7)
        movea.l 20(a7),a5   ; get name pointer
        movea.l #cpbuf,a4
        move.l 24(a7),-(a7) ; get name length and push it
        move.l a5,-(a7)     ; push addr
        bsr fndfile         ; get lba of header
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d0,-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #cpbuf,-(a7)  ; read in source header
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l cpbuf+size,d0   ; get size
        move.l d0,d1
        lsr.l #8,d1     ; divide by 512 so size is in sectors
        lsr.l #1,d1     ; ""
        andi.l #511,d0
        tst.l d0        ; make sure it divides/512 evenly
        beq skadju      ; skip adding one to size
        addq.l #1,d1    ; adjust sector size up by one
skadju  move.l cpbuf+linkf,-(a7) ; get link field of source
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        move.l #tbuf2,-(a7)  ; read in source ext block
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        movea.l 28(a7),a5   ; get pointer to dest name
        move.l 32(a7),d0    ; get length
        movea.l #cpbuf,a4
        jsr Strcpyn         ; copy string to dest header
        bsr fmpaloc         ; allocate space for dest header
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d0,d2        ; save dest header lba
        bsr fmpaloc         ; allocate space for dest ext block
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d0,cpsec     ; save dest ext lba
        move.l d0,cpbuf+linkf  ; write to dest linkfield
        clr.l cpbuf+nxt_ent  ; no next file
        bsr lstlink         ; find last file in chain
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d0,cpbuf+prv_ent ; save to prev ent field
        move.l d2,-(a7)     ; set for dest header lba
        jsr slba
        move.l #cpbuf,-(a7)
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr shdbuf         ; save dest header
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        bsr lstlink     ; get last file in dir
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d0,-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.l #tbuf3,-(a7)
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr fhdbuf      ; read in file
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d2,tbuf3+nxt_ent ; put dest file's header lba in nxt_ent
        move.l #tbuf3,-(a7)
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr shdbuf      ; write it back
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        movea.l #tbuf2,a5   ; point to start of source ext blk
        movea.l #tbuf,a4    ; point to start of dest ext blk
* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
fcpylp  move.l (a5)+,-(a7)  ; source lba
        jsr slba
        move.l #tbuf3,-(a7) ; data buf
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr fhdbuf         ; get source data block
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        bsr fmpaloc         ; allocate space for dest data block
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d0,(a4)+     ; save dest data block lba
        move.l d0,-(a7)     ; dest lba
        jsr slba
        move.l #tbuf3,-(a7) ; data buf
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr shdbuf         ; save dest data block
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        subq.l #1,d1        ; we've written one more block...
        beq fcpdone         ; if 0, we're done!
        bmi fcpdone         ; if -1 (because file size was zero) we're done
        cmpa.l #tbuf2+508,a5 ; at end of source ext block?
        bne fcpylp
fcpnxex bsr fmpaloc         ; get a new sector to link ext block to
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l d0,tbuf+linkf ; save it
        move.l cpsec,-(a7)
        move.l d0,cpsec
        jsr slba
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7) ; dest ext lba buf
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr shdbuf         ; save it
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        move.l (a5)+,-(a7)  ; source ext block linkfield lba
        jsr slba
        move.l #tbuf2,-(a7) ; source ext buf
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr fhdbuf         ; get source ext block
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        movea.l #tbuf2,a5    ; reset pointers
        movea.l #tbuf,a4
        bra fcpylp

fcpdone move.l cpsec,-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7) ; dest ext lba buf
        move.b #1,hd1+5
        jsr shdbuf         ; save it
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi fcpyret
        clr.l d0
        bsr fflush
fcpyret move.l (a7)+,d2
        move.l (a7)+,d1
        movea.l (a7)+,a4
        movea.l (a7)+,a5

* ------Make-Dir
* ------Returns 0 ok, -2/-3/-4 (no space/read error/bad file name)
mkdir   move.l a5,-(a7)
	move.l a4,-(a7)
        movea.l 12(a7),a5  ; get name pointer
        move.l 16(a7),tmp1 ; get name length
        movea.l #cpbuf,a4  ; point a4 to buffer
        move.l tmp1,d0     ; restore length
        jsr Strcpyn        ; copy name into buffer
        bsr fmpaloc        ; get some space for header
        bmi mkdret
        move.l d0,-(a7)    ; save lba
        bsr lstlink        ; lstlink uses tbuf (actually nxtlink does)
        bmi mkdret
        move.l d0,prv_ent(a4)   ; previous entry (dir LBA if none)
        cmp.l cur_dir,d0   ; are we writing to the current dir entry?
        beq wrtff          ; if so, write to fst_fil
        move.l (a7),tbuf+nxt_ent ; save lba to nxt_ent of last file
wrtffrt move.b #1,hd1+5         ; set count 1 sector
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)
        jsr shdbuf              ; save last file's header
        adda.l #4,a7            ; note dir's lba still on stack...
        tst.l d0
        bmi mkdret
        clr.l nxt_ent(a4)       ; no next entry
        clr.l fst_fil(a4)       ; no files
        move.l cur_dir,prv_dir(a4) ; current dir is previous to it
        clr.l size(a4)          ; 0 size
        clr.l date(a4)          ; no date
        move.l #-1,fflags(a4)   ; wide open permissions
        clr.l chksum(a4)        ; none
        move.l #0,type(a4)      ; dir type
        jsr slba                ; LBA is already on stack...
        move.b #1,hd1+5         ; set count 1 sector
        move.l #cpbuf,-(a7)
        jsr shdbuf              ; save it!
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi mkdret
        clr.l d0
mkdret  movea.l (a7)+,a4
        movea.l (a7)+,a5

wrtff   move.l (a7),tbuf+fst_fil
        bra wrtffrt

* ------Change-Dir
* ------Returns 0 ok, -2 otherwise
chdir   move.l 4(a7),tmp1 ; get name pointer
        move.l 8(a7),tmp2 ; get name length
        move.l tmp2,-(a7)
        move.l tmp1,-(a7)
        bsr fndfile        ; get lba
        adda.l #8,a7
        bmi cdret          ; error...
        tst.l tbuf+type    ; if type!=0, it's a file!
        beq cdok
        bra cdret
cdok    move.l d0,cur_dir  ; otherwise set it
cdret   rts

* ------CD-Up
* ------Returns 0 ok, -1 otherwise
cdup    cmpi.l #map_spc,cur_dir ; are we already at root?
        beq atroot
        move.l cur_dir,-(a7)
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5         ; set count 1 sector
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi cdupret
        move.l tbuf+prv_dir,cur_dir
        clr.l d0
cdupret rts

atroot  move.l #-1,d0

* ------Remove-Dir
* ------Dir must be empty (returns -4 if otherwise), -1 if not found
rmdir   move.l 4(a7),tmp1 ; get name pointer
        move.l 8(a7),tmp2 ; get name length
        move.l d1,-(a7)
        move.l d2,-(a7)

        move.l tmp2,-(a7)
        move.l tmp1,-(a7)
        bsr fndfile        ; get lba and load into tbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi rmdret         ; error...
        tst.l tbuf+fst_fil
        bne filsfnd        ; if it has any files, no way!
        move.l tbuf+prv_ent,d1   ; save previous chain entry
        move.l tbuf+nxt_ent,d2   ; save next chain entry
        move.l d0,-(a7)
        bsr freesec        ; otherwise free sector
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi rmdret
        move.l d1,-(a7)         ; load previous entry
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5         ; set count 1 sector
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi rmdret
        cmp.l cur_dir,d1   ; is the previous entry the dir entry?
        beq prvidir
        move.l d2,tbuf+nxt_ent  ; otherwise write next ent's lba
pidrt   move.b #1,hd1+5         ; set count 1 sector
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)
        jsr shdbuf              ; save it!
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi rmdret
        move.l d2,-(a7)         ; load in entry after deleted dir
        jsr slba
        move.b #1,hd1+5         ; set count 1 sector
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)
        jsr fhdbuf
        adda.l #8,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi rmdret
        move.l d1,tbuf+prv_ent
        move.b #1,hd1+5         ; set count 1 sector
        move.l #tbuf,-(a7)
        jsr shdbuf              ; save it!
        adda.l #4,a7
        tst.l d0
        bmi rmdret
        clr.l d0
        bra rmdret

filsfnd move.l #-4,d0
rmdret  move.l (a7)+,d2
        move.l (a7)+,d1

prvidir move.l d2,tbuf+fst_fil  ; patch first_file entry
        bra pidrt

* ------CD-root
cdroot  move.l #map_spc,cur_dir

* -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* ------Init-DOS _MUST_ be called before using any DOS routines to avoid
initdos move.b #$40,hd1+5 ; set count to 64 sectors/track
	move.b #7,hd1+13  ; 8 heads
	move.b #$91,hd1+15 ; init values command
	clr.l bptr	  ; 0 find-free/fmapalloc variables
	clr.l secptr
	clr.l bitptr
	clr.b ffchg	  ; flag used to signify altered ffbuf
	clr.b frchg	  ; flag used to signify altered frebuf
        move.l #map_spc,cur_dir ; point to root dir entry
	move.l #-1,freptr ; doesn't point to anything
	move.l a0,-(a7)   ; now clear hdbuf
	movea.l #hdbuf,a0
	move.l #num_fil,d0
	mulu #buf_siz,d0
	adda.l d0,a0	   ; get addr of 1st byte, last entry+1 in buf
clrbflp move.w #0,-(a0)    ; we use word clears instead of lword in case...
	cmpa.l #hdbuf,a0   ; the buf size is not evenly divisable by 4
	bne clrbflp
	movea.l (a7)+,a0
	move.l #0,-(a7)
	jsr slba	; set LBA to 0
	move.b #1,hd1+5 ; set count to 1 sector
	move.l #ffbuf,-(a7)
	jsr fhdbuf	; load with first sector in alloc map
	adda.l #8,a7	; get rid of prev. stacked values

lba	move.l a5,-(a7)
	movea.l #lbas,a5
	jsr prints
	jsr flba
	bsr print
	movea.l (a7)+,a5

print	move.l a5,-(a7)
        move.l d0,-(a7)
	movea.l #tmps,a5
	jsr B2adec
	jsr prints
*	 move.b #13,d0
*	 jsr putc
	jsr crlf
        move.l d0,(a7)+
	movea.l (a7)+,a5

lbas	DC.B 'LBA: ',0

updiv	divu d1,d0
	swap d0
	tst.w d0
	bne adj
	swap d0
adj	clr.w d0
	addq.w #01,d0
ltv	equ	$400
flba	EQU ltv+204
slba	EQU ltv+208
fhdbuf	EQU ltv+196
shdbuf	EQU ltv+200
hd1	EQU $0500000
Strcpyn equ 136+ltv
Strcpy	EQU $0464
Strncmp EQU $04A8
prints	equ	8+ltv
B2adec	equ	4+ltv
crlf	equ	16+ltv
putc	equ	20+ltv
key?	equ	104+ltv
* ---------------------- Data Area ------------------------------------
tmp1	DC.L 0
tmp2	DC.L 0
tmp3    DC.L 0
tmp4    DC.L 0
cpsec   DC.L 0 ; only for use by copy-file/make-dir!!
bptr	DC.L 0 ; These five variables are reserved for use with find-free/
secptr	DC.L 0 ; free-sec/fmapalloc ONLY!!!
bitptr	DC.L 0 ; ""
ffchg	DC.L 0 ; ""
frchg	DC.L 0 ; ""
cur_dir DC.L 0
freptr	DC.L 0	 ; points to current sector in frebuf
*tmps	 DS.B 80  ; temp string buffer
*ffbuf	 DS.B 512 ; find-free buffer
*frebuf  DS.B 512 ; free-sector buffer
*tbuf	 DS.B 512 ; temp working buffer for hd
*hdbuf	 DS.B 12480 ; (1560*num_fil)
tmps	EQU freptr+4   ; temp string buffer
ffbuf	EQU tmps+80    ; find-free buffer
frebuf	EQU ffbuf+512  ; free-sector buffer
tbuf	EQU frebuf+512 ; working buffer for hd
tbuf2   EQU tbuf+512   ; second working buffer
tbuf3   EQU tbuf2+512  ; third working buffer
cpbuf   EQU tbuf3+512
hdbuf   EQU cpbuf+512  ; (1560*num_fil)
