Re(2): TI-H: TI Network - TIN


Re(2): TI-H: TI Network - TIN

listen, there is no mbus, per say. the mbus is just a protocall. the only
rogram out there that uses the mbus routines is mchat. and the only calc
that the routines are written for is the 85. ok, here's a list of all the
stuff that you mentioned, and here's the stuff that most closely resembles
it that could be developed for the mbus system:

1) You - Multi-calc capability
1) MBus - Someone just has to write the code for the other calcs. it will
be the same problem with your new 'tin', except that you are starting from
scratch and you are expecting to have someone write drivers for all the
calcs, when all that actually needs to be done is for someone to get up
off their z80-coding ass and port it

2) You - File Server
2) MBus - e(g). a program could be programmed using the mbus routines that
would use grant's i2c expander.

3) You - More Addresses
3) MBus - listen, how the hell are you going to get more than 100+ calc
geeks to plug into your hub?

nearly all the work is done for the mbus system. its just that people have
to work with it and write programs using the routines. starting with a
completely new system would be stupid.

I Don't See Why Not
ICQ: 3512251
