RE: TI-H: Radio Link (URL?????)


RE: TI-H: Radio Link (URL?????)

>> >I don't know about you, but my CD player has digital audio...
>> Does it say "Digital Audio" on the front or does it actually have a din
>> connector for a mixer on the back?
>An S/PDIF connector (most likely standardized digital connector on consumer
>CD player; could be a proprietary port also) generally isn't a DIN
>connector; It's either optical, or looks like an RCA jack which will connect
>to a coax cable.

The one that I had the chance to play with had a DIN.  It was used at a
radio station.

EVERY CD player has digital out, you just have to take it apart and find
the outputs on a scope.  :)

Unless....the player is cheep and the DAC and digital processor are on the
same chip...  :\

