Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survey


Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survey

Just to clarify my position on this whole drug issue,
I'm not trying to say that drug usage is not damaging,
or shouldn't be controlled.  The problem is that as
long as America is a "free" country, people will continue
grow or synthize drugs and give or sell them to others.
The answer is not (and never has been) to spread 
misinformation about drugs, in an attempt to scare people
away from them.  The key (as it always has been) is proper
and complete education.  The drug problem in America, which 
does exist, is not because of drugs, it is because of our
attitudes towards them.  It will not be solved by any attempt 
to eliminate drugs.  Look at the problem as it stands now,
the government has been working to elimitate drugs for years,
but usage has been increasing in spite of all the efforts.
With the exception of a couple of years, the rates of drug
usage have been climbing.  The majority of MJ is grown right
here in the US, in the privacy of peoples homes.  There is
no way to stop this without removing some of our constitutional
rights.  Instead of attempting to stop drug usage by force,
the govenrment would do better to educate people (truthfully)
about the effects of drugs.  Americans can't rely on the
government to fix this, they have to do something about it
themselves!  This starts with education.  Who knows, maybe
when everybody knows the truth about drugs, attitudes will
change and the more harmless drugs will be legalized.
Can you imagine what would happen to the price of MJ if
it was not illegal?  If there were no government controls
the price would drop through the floor.

It would be intresting to see a state or two legalized
some drugs on a trial basis, to see what happens to
usage patterns and prices.
