Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survey


Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survey

>No, really, drugs really ARE a problem.  Ryan said that it is someone's
>personal choice whether to smoke pot or drink beer, sure, it is. 

 But what
>happens when a stoned/drunk decides to drive a car, or something like 

Thats why its illigal to drive drunk...

>Someone might get killed.

Um.. yea lots of people get killed by drunk drivers... and drinking is 
legal... so what is your point?

  Then that person is responsible, and if drugs
>were legal, that (stupid) person would not be arrested and would be put 
>on the street, knowing that they can get away with it!!

get away with what? ... useing drugs... and driveing. same deal with 
drunk driveing... like I said thats why there are laws...

 Also, if drugs are
>illegal, then that is sending a message to everyone that the United 
>endoreses drugs!
WHY NOT?! it doesnt mind cigarets or alcohol or nicotine?

  Cigarettes are drugs, that's true, but they are not
>narcotics, which are far more dangerous (and the tobacco industry is 

cigaret smoke is 10 times worse for you and it is physicly and mentaly 
adictive.  Marajuana is not.

 What you do on the weekends or smuggle into the country is your
>business, but just remember the danger involved to you and the people 

thats right its my business... so why does the goverment regulate my 

moking/drinking may be relaxing, but there are MANY other ways to
>relax, without causing damage to your body and mind.

I agree, I dont sit on my ass and smoke pot all day... I spend my 
weekends surfing, mountain bikeing, and in the winter snow boarding.
but I do enjoy drinking or smokeing marajuana on occasion.

what do you base this rediculous accusation on...?????
that has got to be the dumbest thing  I have ever heard. 

No sitting infront of a computer your whole life= no life
dont get me wrong I enjoy my computer.. but its DEFINENTLY not my entire 
life :)

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