Re: TI-H: This is for you robert


Re: TI-H: This is for you robert

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Brack <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 1998 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: This is for you robert

>>Win98 = Win97/95 with built in IE
>>Win98 = Last version of windows ever going to be made.
>Who do you get your info from?  Win98=FAT32, software BONDING of modems,
>OnNow (basically, no boot up process), OffNow (no shutdown time), better
>support, much better and much cooler stuff.  Bill Gates will keep making

I love my PC, but this is WRONG.
He's right, Win98 will be the FINAL release of the windows series. NT5.0 is
(a) faster
(b) multi-platform
(c) kewler than 98
and (d) easier for microsoft to maintain just one OS

>newer versions of windows as much as he can keep making profits :~)