Re: TI-H: Presure sensor


Re: TI-H: Presure sensor

Whatif you're in a boat and drop the sensor like a fishing line with lots
of cord, keeping your calculator high&dry (and working unlike my 80 :-> )
~Larry C
On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 18:23:29 -0700 Brian Smith <> writes:
>Has anyone built a presure sensor for a calculator?  if one was made,
>the calc could be a altimeter and a barometer.
>the software could draw a graph for the baraometer, so that you could
>see if the pressure was rising or falling, and predict the weather.  
>have it graph the altitude if you are moving
>also I think you could use it for a depth meter, but unless you have a
>water proof calc that would be kind of pointless.

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