RE: TI-H: EII and EIII compatibility


RE: TI-H: EII and EIII compatibility

>here is the driver
>gettemp:        call _get_ti
>                ld temp, a
>                ld hl, temp
>Then for the rest all you do is calibrate the temp sensor by checking 
>remp with another meter and assigning a scale for the temp.  Then you 
>inigrate that into the program...  They are all diffent...

pressure sensor not temp :)
and also im have no clue about assembly. the above means nothing to me.  
maybee sometime you could explain...

>I thought it was the other way arround since you won't give me the link 
or whatever.

I would be happy to, first though....what are you talking about ? :)
I again have no clue what link you are talking about. if you tell me 
what link it was that you needed i would be happy to send it.(if i 
indeed have one).

>Ryan:  I will make the schematic.  for it and give you a beetter driver


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   /___.-'  \ \ _:,_               Ryan Pogge               " ||   (
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       \  ___.> /=,|          University of Deleware           |
       / _.-'/_ )  |          Computer Engineering             |
       /`   ( /(/  |___________________________________________|
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