Re: TI-H: Power PC


Re: TI-H: Power PC

My EIDE drive can't dream of doing raww video caputure (320x240 30 fps no
compression).  it takes atleast 4MB a sec, with 5MB for good non jumpy
results.  I can do it, but every once in a while it makes a very niticable
jurk.  The physical EIDE interface can run at 4.125 on its best day in the
world (if your cables are extremely short).  But you also have to look at
the head to drive interface.  Some drives can't transfer at ful;l speed.

>it dosent matter to me, on my PC I use both EIDE controlers on the
>floppy control, and a SCSI a seperate controler.
>best of both worlds
>I was just trying to say that EIDE can come close.
>Grant Stockly wrote:
>> yeah right.  UltraDMA runs at 33mbits MAX.  I can get a constant 40MBit and
>> 80MBit burst with Ultra Wide SCSI...  Of course, it matters on the
>> platform...  ;)
>> >UDMA is about as fast(or faster) then SCSI
>> >
>> >joe
>> >
>> >Adam Johnson wrote:
>> >
>> >> Oh, NO! A Mac PC war. Here's my 2 cents....
>> >>
>> >>     Each bring it a specific 'better' portion to the table. Macs have
>> >>built-in
>> >> SCSI and it has allways been that way. They realised that SCSI was
>> >> faster, but harder to use, and decided speed benefits outweighed the
>> >>diffaculty.
>> >> IBM's on the other hand, wanted simplistic hardware so anyone, pretty
>> >> could get inside their computer and fiddle with it. That is why DOS was
>> >>so hard
>> >> to use. You can't have hardware and software simple at the same time, the
>> >> computer will melt down, and the software will crash a lot. (Hence,
>> >> making its interface more simple, causes it to crash a lot. ; ) )
>> >>Anyway, the
>> >> main idea is:
>> >>
>> >> Mac: Easy to use SOFTWARE, pain in the butt HARDWARE.
>> >> IBM: Pain in the ass SOFTWARE, easy (For MOST people) to change HARDWARE.
>> >>
>> >> (NOTE: Sometimes, the hardware wasn't very easy, this was because
>>people are
>> >> stupid. It really is simple, they used Mac software, and thought, 'Hey!
>> >>If our
>> >> hardware was like THIS, we could take over the world!' Obivously they
>> >> wrong. What really happens is, it creates a confilict, which the
>>average NEW
>> >> user is too stupid to fix, so they call an advanced users. Pay them
>>lots of
>> >> money, and they fix it, while telling the other person what they just
>> >> (which the other person has no clue what they said.) )
>> >>
>> >> Adam


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