TI-H: Announcing the MBus and MChat


TI-H: Announcing the MBus and MChat

I've just released the MBus (the (hopefully) final name for the I2C-based
TI network system) routines v0.99, the final beta before 1.0. Also, a beta
version of MChat v0.99, a multiuser chat program, is out.

Check out http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone/mbus/

Sorry for the ugly home page, I'll make a better one when I've got time.
For now it's just a download site for MBus and MChat. I'll add a FAQ,
links, pictures of the hardware etc. later.

Comments are welcome...


*** Osma Suominen *** ozone@clinet.fi *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone ***