Re: TI-H: I2C LCD module with MBus


Re: TI-H: I2C LCD module with MBus

Jon Olson wrote:

> According to, the 82 uses a 6 Mhz Z80 just like the rest of them.
> The same is true for the 83. I'm not clear on how standard linking works on
> any of the calcs, but could the speed diff have something to do with the
> fact that 82 and 83 can link to each other, and 85 and 86 can link to each
> other, but 82 and 83 can't link to 85 and 86?

OK so I was wrong with the 4 MHz, but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do
with the fact that some of the 8x's can link with each other. That has to
do with the TI protocol variable transfers in the TI operating system, not
with direct assembly language link port control.


*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***
