RE: TI-H: gb?


RE: TI-H: gb?

If you just use a coil, it will just filter out the stuff you want and
only let the
stuff on ch 1 (static at this point) through. What Grant said is what is
or use some sort of frequency divider and multiplier (like divide by 3
and multiply
by 2 or something like that) to change the carrier frequency to the
desired range

> ----------
> From: 	Dan[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	Sunday, December 06, 1998 11:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: 	Re: TI-H: gb?
> Well this is my problem... I can't modulate to ch.1... is there any
> kind of
> device I could build to do it? I mean it should be almost as easy as
> making
> a coil - really.
> At 10:38 PM 12/6/98 -0900, you wrote:
> >
> >>Well let me go off the topic to make Brian happy... Does anyone know
> how to
> >>convert a signal from a ch3 NTSC VCR to any other channel (i.e. Ch.
> 1)? I
> >>tried finding literature about it on the www, but I was
> unsuccessful. They
> >>sell them for a lot of money, although I'm not sure. I tried making
> a coil
> >>and changing the width and number of turns, but that didn't turn out
> >>well... any sug.?
