

umm, dan, is there something wrong with your email client? you just sent
this email about 7times.

At 07:39 PM 12/1/98 PST, you wrote:
>>> Who's projects?  Wow, lets flash a light or do some other thing thats
>  >> completely pointless...
>Nope, that paragraph shows that you were talking about the PIC. You are just
>trying to squeeze yourself out of another dilema. 
>> I'm not talking about what the PIC can do, I'm talking about what the
>> can't do.  You need to read the mail more correctly.
>> The AVR is, and if you knew anything about them, the processor that
>> are using these days.  PICs are good, but more expensive.  I know a ton
>> about PICs fyi, I started out on them and made an ethernet controler with
>> PING for one
>> I know my stuff...  So go look at Sparcs at  They are only
>> about $300.
>> >Watch it Grant... you are becoming as ignorant as I am sometimes.
>> >you know NOTHING about the PIC. At least I admitted to not knowing
>> >about the AVR, instead of going around comparing prices and MIPS and
>> >First, since there are a TON of PIC models, they range in price...
>> >if you think $7 is too much for a PIC, thats too bad. I doubt you will
>> >buying a whole lot of them anyway, so price really isn't a concern.
>> >such as the xxF80 are 10MHz with 1K of memory. As for projects, you are
>> >SERIOUSLY ignorant saying "oh wow, are we gonna see other people flash
>> >lights?"... there are TONS of projects in many lists. One list I saw had
>> >over 100 sites of people who make projects for their PIC, and I'll
>> >you that many of those people have worked on multiple projects. They
>> >cheesy either. Most of them are VERY intriguing which is why the PIC came
>> >my attention.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> >Not really... unless you want to experiment with other peoples
>> >> >then the calc is the way to go to begin learning to program. It gives
>> >> >basic understanding of how to deal with IO situations like the stack,
>> >lcd
>> >> >display, keys, and the i/o port. Once you understand the basics of
>> >> >then maybe you can move on.
>> >>
>> >> It doesn't give you any understanding how to use the LCD or I/O ports!
>> >It
 I/O ports!
>> >It
>> >> lets you use its junk.
>> >>
>> >> Tell me how calling routines in ROM is learning how to use LCDs.  Not
>> >all.
>> >>
>> >> Who's projects?  Wow, lets flash a light or do some other thing thats
>> >> completely pointless...
>> >>
>> >> Grant
>> >>
>> >> >> >I am not sure about the AVR, but the PIC has a TON of info,
>> >> >> >premade projects (kewl ones I might add) and plans to build the
>> >> >> >burner... I'd probably start out with Z80 (via a TI calc.), then
>> >up
>> >> >to
>> >> >> >PIC/AVR... although I don't know much about the AVR, so shoot me
>> >> >flames,
>> >> >> >it is the law of the list! :)...
>> >> >>
>> >> >> The AVR costs less an is faster than the PIC.  PIC, CISC.  33MHz -
>> >> >> 8.01MIPS.  AVR, RISC.  8MHz - 8MIPS.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Grant
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Its a ton easier to just trash the calc.  You can't learn about
>> >embedded
>> >> >> programming on an embedded device made for doing math...
>> >> >
>> >> >-dan
>> >> >
>> >> >You standing in line?
>> >> >You believing the lies?
>> >> >You bowing down to this flag?
>> >> >You've Got a Bullet in Your Head.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >_______________________________________________________
>> >> >Get your free, private e-mail at
>> >>
>> >
>> >-dan
>> >
>> >You standing in line?
>> >You believing the lies?
>> >You bowing down to this flag?
>> >You've Got a Bullet in Your Head.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >_______________________________________________________
>> >Get your free, private e-mail at
>You standing in line?
>You believing the lies?
>You bowing down to this flag?
>You've Got a Bullet in Your Head.
>Get your free, private e-mail at

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