TI-H: Time...


TI-H: Time...

Most of the mails and code I'll be sending all have time in values some of
you may not understand so I made this for your refrence...

mS is 1/1000th  uS is 1/1000000th  nS is 1/1000000000th

It's the other way around, a millisecond is a large timepiece, one thousenth
of a second. Divide a ms by 1000 and you get a us (microsecond), a millionth
of a sec. Again divide by 1000 to get a ns (nanosecond), nine places right of
the comma.

        Prefix  Abbrev  Multiplier
        ------  ------  ----------
        Peta    P?      10^15
        Tera    T?      10^12
        Giga    G       10^ 9
        Mega    M       10^ 6
        Kilo    K       10^ 3
        ----    -       1
        Milli   m       10^-3
        micro   u (mu)  10^-6
        nano    n (nu?) 10^-9
        pico    p       10^-12
        femto   f?      10^-15
        atto    a?      10^-18

AFAIK, "micro" is the only prefix that regularly uses a greek letter
abbreviation...  A fair amount of confusion was probably introduced with
capacitor values, which were (and ARE, to a large extent, at least in the
US) expressed in pF (aka uuF) and uF, skipping nF.  The "104" designation
you see on bypass capacitors is a combination of numerics and the resistor
numbering system - it means "10", followed by four more zeros, pF (100000pf
== .1 uF, hardly ever "100 nF")

Gotta have a lot of respect for those lasers that generate TeraWatt
pulses a couple of picoseconds long...

