Re: _TI-H: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=5FWho=5Fgives=5Fa=5F=A7hit=5Fabout=5Fdyer!


Re: _TI-H: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=5FWho=5Fgives=5Fa=5F=A7hit=5Fabout=5Fdyer!?= ?_ Heres what ya do!

Lol, don't like the html tags in my signature?  well, i'm sorry.  either you don't have an email program that supports them, or you don't like my signature.  i like my signature.  i'm sorry if you don't have a good email program, it's sort of like the different browsers and supporting frames and stuff.  some people will just get screwed.  you might be one of them.  =)

At 11:04 PM 4/13/98 , you wrote:
---      ---
---      --->
---      --->ADVICE - Don't use Microsoft's Internet Explorer!!!
---      --->
---      ---
---      ---ADVICE:  Throw away html tags.  do it
---      ---
---      ---
---      ---><html><div>¡789¶o99999999999999999999999S788787877<x-tab>&nbsp;</x-tab>9<x-
---      --->tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</x-tab>&quot;&quot;&auml;
---      --->3</div>
---      ---><br>
---      ---><div>Nope, doesn't work.&nbsp; all those letters up there are different
---      --->combinations of alt and a number.</div>
---      ---><br>
---      ---><div>At 07:57 PM 4/13/98 , you wrote:</div>
---      ---><div>---&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ---</div>
---      ---><div>---&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ---hol alt and press 789 on far
---      --->right keypad</div>
---      --->---&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ---
---      ---><BR>
---      --->
---      ---><P>
---      --->
---      --->KiMo <P><HR><P>
---      --->
---      --->--->ICQ #:  7176765 <BR>
---      --->---><A HREF=""></A> <BR>
---      --->---><A
---      --->HREF="">
---      --->ex.html</A>
---      --->(A TI-85/86 Webpage) <P>
---      --->
---      --->I am currently
---      ---><IMG
---      --->SRC=""
---      --->BORDER=0 ALT="ICQ Status">.
---      ---><BR>
---      --->
---      --->Email me at
---      ---><A HREF=""></A>
---      --->to send an email directly to my screen whenever I'm online. <P>
---      ---></HTML>
---      ---


--->ICQ #: 7176765
---> (A TI-85/86 Webpage)

I am currently ICQ Status.
Email me at to send an email directly to my screen whenever I'm online.

ADVICE - Don't use Microsoft's Internet Explorer!!!
