TI-H: $4 Serial Cable/RS 232 compatibility & the Ir Link


TI-H: $4 Serial Cable/RS 232 compatibility & the Ir Link

I was curious. Doesn't RS 232 have one send and one recieve line? How 
does the $4 serial link convert TI Protocol's two way transmisions from 
two separate wires to two one way wires.

If the $4 serial link does this, then the IR link is only taking the 2 
single direction lines from the $4 link and transceving them over IR 
light beams. The modules cover the carier frequency and the drivers seem 
to cover the voltage/power or whaterver.

Explain this, and do not flame me because I am asking out of SIMPLE 

Richard Piotter

e-mail: richfiles@hotmail.com

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