Re: TI-H: 8 Bit IDE Drives


Re: TI-H: 8 Bit IDE Drives

Joseph Gaffney wrote:
> I was bored and decided to look for a z80 C compiler when I came across
> this page:
> Could someone take a look and tell me what the differences are?  If 8 bit
> IDE was made for the z80, porting to the 8x's may very well be possible (No
> I don't know too much about electronics, I'm a figure it out mathematically
> and do it kind of guy =)...)

I looked at the page, and although I didn't read it all, I understood that
it was meant for Z80 based computers. You would need to hack around
directly with the processor contact to install the IDE adapter. The first
problem here is that the device would either need some room inside the
calc, which probably isn't available. Then we'd need the pinout for the Z80
clones used in the calcs. After all this was done, the software would need
to be ported. I think doing this all is simply too difficult compared to
the benefits.


*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***

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