Re: TI-H: wireless link cable


Re: TI-H: wireless link cable

FM does work! I could transmit sound fromn my calc and it fits inside the 85
ver ynicly behind the screen.  I used a knife, cut a hole and now have the
intenna out side my calc.  As for using it for data I don't know It would
have to be very clean and that doesn't happen when you have stations all

> From: Leif Gregory <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: TI-H: wireless link cable
> Date: Sat, 04 Oct 1997 01:28:08 +0900
> At 08:17 AM 10/3/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >I am wondering if there is any way to make a wireless link cable using
> >radio waves like a walkie-talkie which could be inturned put internely
> >into the calc. with the antenna so nobody would ever know.  MAybe  a
> >switch to turn it on or off in the battery pack.  But once thing im
> >mostly wondering (actually 3) would it be silent, how well would it work
> >and would anyone make it.
> >
> >Also a little off the subject: is there anupdate to deadulus since
> >version .3b???
> >
> >InSaNe
> :x--------------------  SNIP  -------------------x:
> ppl have been talking abt this subject for a while, but so far it's
> like IR might be easier/better. Just for S&G, I had been looking through
> Popular Electonics magazine, and they have those little (smaller than a
> dime) spy FM transmitters. Supposed to TX to an unused (normally) freq on
> the FM band. RX hardware isn't too different from TX hardware. What you
> modulate, you must demodulate. About the only big difference is the
> amplifier in the Rxvr. Well, just in case nobody had thought about those
> little spy transmitters yet.
> Leif
> -
>     Dedicated to providing you with more
>     information than you needed to know.
>     To email me, remove the z in my address  -
