Re: TI-H: TI Tokenized Networking technology, and farewell


Re: TI-H: TI Tokenized Networking technology, and farewell

Go ahead and merge the list,  discussion of the network is still hardware
related, and this list dosen't flodd as much as the asm lists, so I think it
would be fine

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, December 28, 1997 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: TI Tokenized Networking technology, and farewell

>Well, should I?  What do the people at think?  Maybe it would be
>better to just add my list to their list menu.
>>As it is a hardware-related topic, what about adding the whole ti-h list
>>to your
>>I think everybody interested in ti-hardware is interested in your topic
>>P.S. Do you really need you own list? what about staying here???
>>> >Too bad to hear that you are leaving the group but the only project I
>>> >was really interested in was the network.  Keep in contact with me or
>>> >put me on a Ti-network mailing list.  either way, keep in contact even
>>> >-ransacked
>Merry Christmas!