TI-H: TI-H IR-Link web page


TI-H: TI-H IR-Link web page

	My TI IRlink homepage is now up and running.  Please continue
sending stuff for it to MY E-MAIL ADDRESS NOT TI-CALC HARDWARE.  The
address is rmay@esu3.esu3.k12.ne.us.  Thank you for all you have
contributed so far and please continue to mail me new stuff.  The page's
address is http://www.radiks.net/kavan/IRLink.html.  Notice the I,R,and L
must be in upper case for you to access the page.  I will change this as
soon as I get around to it.  Again, continue sending me information, this
is the only way I can keep my page up to date.

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*             Pablo XXX                                  *
*                   rmay@esu3.esu3.k12.ne.us             *
*                                                        *
