Re: TI-H: HOMEMADE LINK for TI-83?!?


Re: TI-H: HOMEMADE LINK for TI-83?!?

On Tue, 5 Nov 1996, Dan Koester wrote:

> I heard people talking about thriftylink?  I'd really like a copy of the
> old one which they said works with the -83?  If it does someone please
> either e-mail me or tell me where to get it.  I'd really appreciate it,
> it'd save me $45.

Hi Dan, 

I got my $4 link working again (I have a TI-83)  with ThriftyLink 1.05.
Sends/receives fine.

Good luck!
 __  /_______ _______ _____  __   Tony Do - Franklin, WI
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                      /____/      USR Sportster 33.6k
