TI-H: Just a small thought


TI-H: Just a small thought

	I was just thinking that in the link cable, since there are three
wires (red, white, ground) that maybe there is only one-way communication
on the red and white wires.  The send pin of one end would connect with the
recieve pin on the other and the send pin on that end connects with the
recieve pin on the first end.  If so, this would ease communication with a
wireless link considerably.  I may try to take a link apart and see if this
is the case.  If somebody else would like to try this as well, post the
results of your test.  I'm not sure if this message is too understandable
in what I'm trying to say.  If not, let me know and I'll try to clarify.

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*      ||||      ||   ||  ||||||   |||||||    |||    / / /  \ \ \       *
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*             Pablo XXX                            /_/________\_\/\     *
*                   rmay@esu3.esu3.k12.ne.us       \_\___________\/     *
*                                                                       *