TI-H: another internal idea..


TI-H: another internal idea..

what if instead of making the thing internal find out a way to put it on the
cover of the calc.. with all the new super flat stuff (for the pc cards
etc.) you could probably find a way to fit the circut on your cover.. then
you could just use a little 1 inch long plug to plug that into the link
port.. then it would not look like you had anything connected unless you
look at it closer... but there has to be someway of diguising (sp.) this
transmitter/reciver because even if it wasn't during a test my teacher
probably wouldnt want me to havve somthing pluged into my calc.. he dosen't
really like the idea of me having a 92 let alone a 92 with a box attatched
to it..

	David Lee