TI-H: content on this list


TI-H: content on this list

	I don't know about the rest of you, but as for me, I am sick and
tired of all the childish bickering going on about the acceleration,
IR-Link plans, etc.  I can't see how this list is even going to survive
when I'm sure so many potential members are turned away by this constant
bickering.  I've always been afraid of having to act like a parent towards
other adults, but I see no other choice here if this list is going to
survive, let alone get something done.
	If we can stop all this arguing, we can get down to the real
purpose of this mailing list - to discover new ideas and build everything
our imaginations can conjure up.  I thank all of you who can help me stop
this childish fighting.
	One other thing.  I have possibly gotten professionals to help me
with the IR-Link project so if I'm lucky, you could expect plans within a
week or two.  (Don't hold your breath though.)

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*             Pablo XXX                            /_/________\_\/\     *
*                   rmay@esu3.esu3.k12.ne.us       \_\___________\/     *
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