Re: ti-emu: Can anyone help me capture the TI-82 ROM?


Re: ti-emu: Can anyone help me capture the TI-82 ROM?

Thanks, Bryan.  If I have to be frustrated, I'd at least like to think that
it's not my fault.

Don C.

<<< "Bryan Rabeler" <> 12/17  2:31p >>>

Interesting.  I have VTI v2.5 Beta 4 (the latest public version) and a TI-82
with the gray TI-Graph Link cable.  I could not get the ROM to dump to my
computer.  :(


----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Chambless" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 6:53 PM
Subject: ti-emu: Can anyone help me capture the TI-82 ROM?

> I need to emulate the TI-82 on Win 95/98 PCs for use in my classes, but I
> cannot capture the ROM: I have tried to do this using several different
> and two different TI-82s (one has ROM Version 18, the other 19).  I have
> ~no~ trouble at all
> passing files back and forth between the PCs and the calculators using
> WLink82.exe.
> I have tried two methods of ROM capture:
> a) I downloaded ASH 3.0 to the TI-82 and tried to use the ROM transfer
> function provided by VTI.exe (which I want to eventually use for emulation
> of
> the TI-82) -- no luck.  On the other hand, when I tried using VTI with a
> TI-89, I got a successful ROM transfer.  Of course, in that case, no
> assembler routines are needed -- VTI does the entire job.
> b) I also tried to use ASH with the ROM dumper v2.2 system developed by
> Randy Gluvna -- no luck.
> The behavior is always the same: When the transfer should begin, I get an
> indication of 0 bytes transferred -- and then ~nothing~ further happens.
> I really need to get this to work for the math classes I teach, but I'm at
> deadend.  Can anyone offer any suggestions?
> Thanks very much,
> Don Chambless
> Dept of Math
> Auburn Univ Montgomery

