Re: ti-emu: Frustration


Re: ti-emu: Frustration

In article <>, Rob Taylor
<> writes
>> No need, I just got it to work!!!! I used HexED this time, and it did
>> the trick. I must have made some mistake with debug. I still get the '
>> RROR 23 STAT' as before but ZS works so I am not complaining!!! Can you
>> tell me how to use the *.img files now?
>I have no idea hhat teh *.img files are..

Probably a pile of rubbish then. If you haven't heard of them...

>> An incidental point; when I try and run the self-test on the emulator,
>> it says 'ROM FAIL'. This doesn't bother me in the slightest, I was just
>> wondering why????
>I thionk you must have chanegs something else by accident as well, 
>(that'd explain the RROR 23) If i were you, I'd start all over agin, 
>for safety's sake..

I did all that when I first got the emulator to work. I got rid of the
RROR 23 problem by starting up the emulator, clearing the screen and
then using F11 to quit. Dunno about the ROM FAIl though.
Richard Guy
Why does a theology professor only open one curtain in the morning..
So he has something to do in the afternoon!!!
