[TIB] Re: pushing a matrix around


[TIB] Re: pushing a matrix around

Well, I don't know about the 89, but on the 86, you use "Pause MATRIXNAME".  

At 07:40 PM 05/03/2001 +0200, Jens h wrote:
>I am making af program for ti-89. It suppose to be a very simple program.
But a have a problem.
>The program, that I want to make involves displaying a matrix. The problem
>is that the matrix becomme to large for the screen.
>Let's assume that the matrix has 20 rows and 20 columns. In order to see the
>hole matrix one one must be able to use the arrows-keys to push the matrix
>So what I would like my program to be able to do, is to enable the user to
use the arrows-keys to push the matrix around.
>Can you help me?
-Jason Cerny

"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is
granted, all else follows." 
George Orwell, 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'

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