Re: TIB:On key disabling


Re: TIB:On key disabling

There is no way to disable the on key on and 86, 85, and (i think)
anything lower.  If you have an 89/92, though, it's possible using
Try...Endtry.  Two problems though:  first, it can only be for one
command, so it'd be tedious and stupid to put it throughout the program,
instead its best to use for a pause or something.  second, If you push on
a couple of times real fast the program will still break.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 3:32 PM
Subject: TIB: On key disabling
> how do you disable the on key?(make it so it does not break a program)
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