Re: TIB: Dumb folks


Re: TIB: Dumb folks

--- wrote:
> It is a better thing to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool
> than to 
> open it and prove it.
> I know the answers to virtually all the questions posted on this
> list, but 
> only rarely do I reply because usually someone beats me to it.  Case
> in 
> point: our young friend's mishap with his variables.  The answer was
> posted; 
> a very nice and complete answer, and yet just now I read someone
> else's 
> 'answer' that basically informs the reader that he is clueless.  If
> you don't 
> know the answer, don't say anything.  If you do, be sure that no one
> else has 
> given it.  Perhaps someone gave an incorrect response; by all means,
> correct 
> them, but do it politely.
yes, i agree whole heartedly.


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