Re: TIB: Entering/editing lists/matrices on the computer?


Re: TIB: Entering/editing lists/matrices on the computer?

Try the VTI on that, dunno if it works, but it might work. U can get the
VTI on
> I need to get 4-8 lists on my calculator from my computer.  Each list
> has about
> 500 items (I'll worry about memory myself).
> The graphlink software, for whatever reason, does not allow one to
> create or
> edit lists and matrices.  One can import a file into a list, but the
> import only
> deals with numbers, if you put
> 4
> 2
> "Hello"
> 3
> In the file to be imported, it makes it into a text file automatically,
> and
> doesn't give you the opportunity to make it into a list.
> So I am somewhat disappointed.  I assume I need to find out the format
> of .89L
> files, and make one myself.  I browsed over, but could not
> find the
> info I needed.  Do any of you know where the info is, or if there is
> another way
> of doing this?
> -Adam

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