

Right, that's better.  BUT...  why can't you put the code you want to run at 
the Label RIGHT AFTER the loops?  Then you wouldn't even need to bother with 
the Goto.  And it doesn't sound like it needs to jump; it sounds like all 
you want is a timer then some code to execute after it.  Well, if that is 
the case, put the timer code right before the code you wanted it to 'jump 
to', or put the code you wanted it to jump to right after the timer code.

One word of wisdom is to use the Goto & Lbl commands as little as possible.  
One of the only times you should ever need to use a Goto & Lbl is when 
working with a Menu( . I see all too much of loops done with Goto's and 
Lbl's, when a simple Repeat would suffice.

>From: "Matthew (The Idiot)" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: TIB: FIRE
>Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 00:33:22 -0500
>Aaaahh, no, do not put a goto after an if then,
>Just use
>if D=0:Goto A
>I came, I saw, I replied
>  -----Original Message-----
>[]  On Behalf Of UT Rules
>Sent:	Friday, July 28, 2000 10:29 PM
>Subject:	Re: TIB: FIRE
>when it reaches zero put an IF in the code like this:
>If d=0 Then
>Goto A (if that's the name of the label you're using)
>or you can do it like this
>If 60-d=0 Then
>Goto A (if that's the name of the label you're using)
>hope this helps
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: TIB: FIRE
> >Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:36:50 EDT
> >
> >
> >Here's the source of the timer i used
> >
> >ClrDraw
> >ClrHome
> >For(D,1,10
> >For(B,1,90
> >OutPut(1,15,60-D)
> >
> >How can I make it goto a label after it reaches zero?
> >
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