Re: TIB: American High School Math Exam thingy...


Re: TIB: American High School Math Exam thingy...

Bonus Question One: Did you take an IQ test and it came out as a negative 

A. Yes, How'd you know?
B. No, I've never taken an IQ test.
C., wait, no.... yes.
D. I suck. I took an IQ test and it came out as a letter: F

>  > 23. Professor Gamble buys a lottery ticket, which requires that he pick 
> six
>  > different integers from 1 thru 46, inclusive. He chooses his #s s.t. the 
> sum
>  > of the base-10 logarithms of his 6 #s is an integer. It so happens that 
> the
>  > integers on the winning ticket have the same property - the sum of the
>  > base-10 logarithms is an integer. What is the probability that Professor
>  > Gamble holds the winning ticket?
>  > 1/5; 1/4; 1/3; 1/2; 1
>  > anyone in for this? I didn't even know where to begin :)

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