Re: TIB: TI-89 "basic" info


Re: TIB: TI-89 "basic" info wrote:

> another question. once i have a custom menu written, how do i pop up all of
> what was wrote (say a day or two later) to edit that (as opposed to having to
> re-type the whole thing)

just create the custom menu stuff in a program and edit that whenever you want
this is a nice format so it's easy to look at:

Title "Programs"
 Item "games\phoenix()"
 Item "risk\risk()"
 Item "aprogram()"
Title "Functions"
 Item "ClrHome"
 Item "solve("
 Item "log("
Title "Chars"
 Item "#"
 Item "$"
 Item "?"

this is basically an abbreviated version of my menu, to give you some ideas on
what to put in there as well

here's some other tips, having gone through the 86 to 89 transition almost a year
ago now:
* try to learn the numbers in the menus for items you commonly use, it'll save
* there are keyboard shortcuts. they're all diamond+something. press diamond+EE
to see them all
  * the most useful ones are (all these are diamond+):
    = is not equal to
    ) is the comment symbol
    (division symbol) is !
    (multiplication symbol) is & (used instead of + to join strings)
    0 is less than or equal to (2nd+0 is less than)
    . is greater than or equal to (2nd+. is greater than)
   also, diamond+| on any screen will give you the format dialog for it (like the
graphing options)
* diamond+enter will always give you the answer in decimal form, no matter what
mode you're in
* while you're in the custom menu, look at the very bottom of the screen. it
gives you the format for whatever function the arrow is next to, such as
EXPR,VAR,POINT[,DIRECTION] for limit(. this is a BIG time saver...
* look at the keyboard... there are a lot more characters on there for you, like
theta, apostrophe, degrees, integrate, differentiate, open and close brace and
brackets (yay!!!), the quotes for strings (double yay!!!), and backslash (used
for accessing a program/variable/whatever in another folder

   Adam Newhouse

Follow-Ups: References: