Re: TIB: Artificial Intelligence


Re: TIB: Artificial Intelligence

In a message dated 2/1/00 9:30:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

>    Well i didnt originally write the post, but ill throw in my two cents 
> anywho.  
>     You can make computers "learn" basically by determining which moves 
> it to win aginst you and which cause it to loose.  Now obviously if it did 
> the same moves everytime you would beat the crap out of it after the second 
> game. So, what you do is after the computer has lost or one you create a 
> or string (or anything permanent)  and add a plus value to the segment 
> represents that move so you are actually weighting the moves.  Then you 
> combine this with the standard AI that runs, and your computer will 
> eventually "learn" your playing style. And if youve done a good job 
> developing your AI and weight system your computer should be kicking the 
> out of you.  But there is a drawback to this type of intelligence.  It is 
> specifically tailored to one person, so if a person with a more aggressive 
> just different style comes along and plays the game he/she will think the 
> game is too easy.  However you can create individual profiles for seperate 
> users that way the co!
>  mputer will grow with your ability/ changes in style so as you get better 
> the computer will too.  So you can sort of creat an infinite game....  It's 
> cool, but it can get HUGELY complex before you know it so be prepared.
>       ~Eric

Exactly, an AI tailored to one person isn't so useful.  The idea behind the 
way I do it is that it figures out why it lost the game (not as hard as you 
might think) and makes a note.

                                        Grant Elliott