Re: OT: TIB: Speeds


Re: OT: TIB: Speeds

In a message dated 01/31/2000 11:25:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< And BTW, I can't wait for cable modems (Bellsouth hasn't gotten DSL here 
 and even if they did, cable modems are a heck of a lot cheaper then the 
 outrageous fees Bellsouth charges.....I'd almost be cheaper to have my own 
 personal T1 line then DSL. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating, but I think 
 get the point). >>

we just got broadband in my area about a month or two ago. had it since about 
a week after it came down here. it really is a ton better (especially since i 
was going from 28.8 to broadband), and although the monthly charge on it is 
$30, considering we could get rid of our phone line and that AOL (which, by 
the way, does suck horribly. even before i got broadband i had another 
internet connection for when i actually wanted anything good) has a plan that 
is $12 cheaper if you "bring your own access", the amount we're saving is 
basically equal to the amount broadband is costing us.