Re: TIB: help needed with multiplayer BASIC game for 83+


Re: TIB: help needed with multiplayer BASIC game for 83+

I think the Getcalc statements are too slow, even
though they're running through a 30 kbps link port.
The calc's just too slow to do that fast, and the only
solution I can think of would invalidate your
IF you want to know it, it's nothing more than
Overclocking both calculators.

--- wrote:
> I'm trying to make sort of a two-player "snake" game
> that has no "dots" that 
> you have to eat. The winner is the last one
> standing, and you just basically 
> have to try and "entrap" your opponent, making them
> crash into you, 
> him/herself, or the surrounding wall. I've gotten it
> to work PERFECTLY on a 
> single calculator(player 1 uses arrow keys, player
> two uses number pad(e.g.: 
> 8=Up, 2=Down)). I had to settle for this
> uncomfortable method of gameplay 
> because I can't seem to figure out how to realy info
> from one calc to another 
> simultaneously. The only info needed to be exchanged
> are the "current" X, Y 
> coordinates for each player. After calling a GetKey
> subroutine, the new 
> coordinates for each player are calculated. What
> SHOULD happen is a sort of 
> "GetCalc(X2, Y2)" on player 1's calc and
> "GetCalc(X1, Y2)" on player 2's 
> calc. Both coordinates should then de displayed on
> each calculator, and thus 
> a two-player, two-calculator game should work!!!
> However, this was not the 
> case. Even after throwing a while loop around each
> GetCalc() to make sure 
> both calculators got each other's info at the same
> time, it still didn't 
> work. The actual error was, after initializing, it
> would immediately say 
> player 2 or player 1 wins, depending most likely on
> whichever player pressed 
> "enter" to get into the game first. Please, someone
> who has experience making 
> two-player games in 83 BASIC, help me!!!
> -Donny

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Now this is what its like
Whatever happens when worlds collide
Now this is what its like

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