Re: TIB: There has to be an easier way to do this (TI-86)


Re: TIB: There has to be an easier way to do this (TI-86)

    Yes i would say so!  I made an RPG called blob man with 16 rooms and it 
took up a lot less space!  What i did is i stored the rooms in a string 
because strings are tiny, then i made a string to matrix converter for ease 
of loading and so i could change the variable in the matrix lets say like if 
you picked up a crowbar  then it would change the spot in the matrix where 
you picked up the crowbar so it wasnt there anymore.  umm lets see, this is 
probably a bit vauge.  Well ill try to explain it.  I made a matrix as big as 
the screen, im not sure how big it is on the 86 but the 83 is 8X16 so i made 
one matrix 8X16.  Now that took up i think 1764 bytes now we certainly cant 
have 16 of those, so i made 16 strings containing all the sections of the 
matrix for each room, but in linear form.  Then i made a converter to load an 
individual string into the matrix, then you can manipulate the matrix while 
the level is loaded so you can change walls and objectts that are on screen, 
and you can detect whether or not somthin is solid or not by assigning a 
single didgit value yo each part of the matrix and go from there.  So say 1 
will represent a solid wall and will look like this "|" then 2 will be a one 
way wall that you can only go through one way and it will look like this ")" 
and you can create any object like this and give it certain properties.
ok well thats all for this one guys. maybey i should write a manual on game 
programming too?  let me know what you think on that one.. well, if you have 
any questions about what i said please let me know.