Re: TIB: challenge


Re: TIB: challenge

Well, you could shrink it a bit by combining the statements dealing with the same variable (meaning just one store [->] for the X var etc), since the less store [->] operations the calc does, the faster it goes.
Try this for the X and Y operations:
:X+(A=26)(X<16)-(A=24)(X>1) /->/ X
:Y+(A=34)(Y<8)-(A=25)(Y>1) /->/ Y
This code uses no IF statements and reduces the number of stores [->] to just 2, while retaining full functionality.  It relies on Boolean logic to determine whether (A=26) AND (X<16), returning a 1 or 0 if each tests true or false, respectively.  You can manipulate these values to either add 1 or subtract 1 from the value of X (or Y) to get the desired effect.
(Can you tell I'm a big fan of Boolean logic?)
Plus, if you build a loop around the GetKey within the main loop, the code will be more responsive when the user hits a key. (because otherwise, if you hit a key while the calc is handling the IFs, there's no response.)
        --Dave Twaddell <>
here's my 83 version, I have refined a lot, I think this is THE smallest
you can get for 83> Tell me if I'm wrong.

:While A<>45
:Output(Y,X," "
:If A=24 and X<>1
:If A=25 and Y<>1
:If A=26 and X<>16
:if A=34 and Y<>8

The Character is "O" and if you press [CLEAR] it stops.

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