Re: TIB: New 3D Engine!!


Re: TIB: New 3D Engine!!

Chris Flanigan wrote:
> I've been designing a 3d engine like that used in such games as Doom,
> etc.. I've got a skeleton that will create a hallway in which  you can
> go forward, backward, left and right.
> This is only the first version for the TI-86. If there are enough
> requests I'll post it.
> It creates this kind of thing        \             /
>                                                       \ ____/
>                                                        |         |
>                                                        |____|
>                                                       /          \
>                                                      /            \
> All you've got to do is add the graphics and make your game play.
> Currently the engine is split up into 4 programs so that you can
> easily depict how it works. The programs are HALL, GETKEY, LEFT,
> RIGHT. The whole engine is only around 770 bytes. It would be smaller
> if I condensed it into one program but it takes away the speed then.
> Is it worth it?
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Big MAC <>
>     To: <>
>     Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 11:39 AM
>     Subject: TIB: Something I just found out...
>     I didn't realize this cool little thing until just a couple of
> nights ago.  I don't know if anyone knew this before, but here goes.
>     Everybody knows how to call a program within a program, correct?
> The coding would look something like this:
>     prgmGO
>     0->X: 0->Y
>     For(X,1,10)
>     X+1->X
>     If X=5
>     prgmSTOP
>     End
>     Stop
>     However, did you ever stop to think about calling the program that
> is currently running within itself?
>     prgmGO
>     If X=5
>     Goto 0
>     0->X: 0->Y
>     For(X,1,10)
>     X+1->X
>     If X=5
>     prgmGO
>     End
>     Stop
>     Lbl 0
>     Disp "This totally sucks ass"
>     This lets you essentially "restart" your program without putting a
> label at the top.  I thought this was really cool, but most of you
> probably already know this.  Oh, well.
>     Big MAC
>     TBPA

How did you get the hallway drawn?  I was thinking about working on
something like this a while back, but I just kept drawing blanks on what
the 3d equations would be to draw the lines and make everything look in
the proper perspective.  Actually, I then got sidetracked into making a
program that would draw a square in three dimensions exactly as it would
look if you took a picture of it - from any position!  It turned into a
lot more math than I wanted to mess with.

Jody Snider
